September is National Senior Center Month which is a great opportunity for all of us here at the Brookhouse Home to share our appreciation for the hard work of senior centers both regionally and around the country.
There are approximately 11,000 senior centers in the USA and through the National Council on Aging (NCOA) we have been able to benefit from available courses like “A Matter of Balance” where we recently held vital workshops and instruction. We appreciate all of the effort that senior centers make to encourage communities, including our residents to stay active and engaged.
Further, our senior centers provide vital services and access to information, opportunities, and support and continue to improve the lives of people in their communities as they age. Here at the Brookhouse Home, we are particularly grateful for our wonderfully supportive and active center here in Salem, Mass which is referred to here as the Mayor Jean Levesque Community Life Center (also called the Council on Aging). It serves the needs of Salem residents with a variety of services and activities including cultural programs, special events, exercise classes, sightseeing trips, museum tours, book clubs, in- and out-oftown trips, social services, daily hot lunches, and overall support services to ensure that all residents can maximize the quality of their life.
Senior centers got started in the 1940s, although they came to the forefront because of their inclusion in the Older American’s Act in 1973. The mission has remained: to be the local, trusted place in the community that connects people to the programs, services, and opportunities they need to age well not to mention providing access access to health, economic security, social engagement, purpose, creativity, mobility, nutrition—all in a social and fun environment.
‘Powering Connections’ is the theme for this years’ National Senior Center Month marking an opportunity to showcase how vital each senior center is to the health and well-being of a community. Senior centers provide countless hours of support and encouragement to older adults and have become integral to health care delivery in our communities by providing COVID-19 guidance, vaccine education, and vaccinations to their participants. They offer a place for older adults to discover their unique interests, talents, and aspirations.
National Senior Center Month advises those who want to shed light on all the good work of their local senior center can do the following according to information provided by the NCOA .
Educate your elected officials Help raise awareness about how public dollars support services and benefits for older adults, caregivers, family members, and the community at large. Senior center staff and participants are well-positioned to explain how limited public investment, along with growing demand, is having a domino effect on programs and services that help older adults remain healthy and independent in their own homes and communities. It’s important that Congress understand how older adults and caregivers are being affected by funding and policy decisions.
Mix it up Consider planning a different event each week or choose one week out of the month to hold several activities. Enlist senior center members who know best what appeals to their cohort. Enlist them to help you create and implement activities.
Support the Senior Center Newsletter Senior centers provide monthly information through their published newsletter, and they are an excellent source of information. Newsletters often provide good stories to show how community can supporting older adults and it is a great time to engage local media them with happy, empowering stories of how senior centers are the key to aging well with exciting virtual and in-person programs and a focus on healthy living.
Digital Connections: Highlight how your center helps older adults with digital exploration, including accessing broadband, gaining skills and confidence in using internet connected devices, and with opportunities to participate in virtual and hybrid programs.
Facts about Senior Centers: As you share information about your senior center, you can use our fact sheet to support the value and impact of senior centers across the country.